Running Bear
Johnny Preston  (Dead 3/11 age 71)

Midi 1 (G110)     Midi 2 (G109)
Midi 3(G120)   Midi 4(G110)
Feel free to throw in extra "drumbeat" notes
For Diatonic harmonica
See YouTube videos below

Hilarious videos


Verse 1:
 -6 5    6   -6  6   7 8    7    7   7  7 -6    -6   7 7 7   6
On the bank  of the river stood Running Bear, young Indian brave.
 6  6   6 -6   6  -6  6   7 8    7    7   7 -6   -7 7   -8
On the other side of the river stood his lovely Indian maid.
 -6 5    6    -6   6   7    8     7  7  7 -6   -6    7  6
Little White Dove was her name, such a lovely sight to see.
 -6   5    6  6     6    -6   -6   6 7    8   6     6    6    8 -8 -7  7
But their tribes fought with each other, so their love could never be.

 7   7   -6    7    7  7    -6    6    6  6   6   -6  6  -5  5
Running Bear loved Little White Dove with a love big as the sky.
 7   7   -6    7    7  7    -6    6    6  6   6    8   -8  -7   7
Running Bear loved Little White Dove with a love that couldn't die.

Verse 2:
-6   5  6    6    -6  6  -6  6 7     8    7   7 7   -6  -6   7  6
He couldn't swim the raging river 'cause the river was too wide.
 6   6   6   -6    -6 6    7     8    7  7   7  -6 -7 7   -8
He couldn't reach Little White Dove waiting on the other side.
-6  5    6   6   -6   6    7   8     7  7   7  -6   -6    7    6
In the moonlight he could see her throwing kisses 'cross the waves.
 -6  5  6    6    6   -6  6   7  8    7  7    7    -6  8   -8 -7   7
Her little heart was beating faster waiting there for her Indian brave.


Verse 3:
 -6  5    6    6  -6  6   7 8    7  7    7    -6   -6  7    6
Running Bear dove in the water, Little White Dove did the same.
 6    6    6   -6  6   6   7 8      7    7    7  -6    -7     7   - 8
And they swam out to each other through the swirling stream they came.
-6   5     6     6      -6   6    7    8    7   7  7   7 -6   -6     7    6
As their hands touched and their lips met, the raging river pulled them down.
 -6    5     6  6  -6  6 7  8   7   7   7 8   -8  -7    7
Now they'll always be together in that happy hunting ground.

  Chorus...  (fade out)

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