Who is Steve Wynn, and why is he saying this?

What’s equally amazing is that CNBC actually aired this—CNBC, one of the WH’s favorite propaganda machines!

It was not even 2 hours after Steve Wynn's interview that he received an invitation from the tenants at 1600 Pennsylvania Blvd, Washington , DC . 20500 wanting him to explain in
person why he said what he said !!!

Below is a short interview with Steve Wynn. Some of you know of him. He's a Multi Billionaire, Hotelier and Real Estate Investor in Las Vegas , Asia and Macau .
He's been a guest from time to time on all the network financial news programs.
If you listen to this recent CNBC interview (short & to the point) and nothing else today, you will be better informed than your neighbor about the state of the union.
I would suggest sharing this with your grown children so they know what to expect once they're faced with the results.

Watch CNBC at http://www.infowars.com/steve-wynn-takes-on-washington/          or the Video

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