Ace That Phone Interview

18 Ways to Improve Your Telephone Performance

Feb 22, 2007 Cheryl Lynch Simpson

More and more employers are interviewing candidates by phone rather than face-to-face. In this article, you'll learn 18 simple tips to help you ace your phone interviews

You may have noticed that phone interviews are on the rise these days. No longer simply used for screening candidates, many phone discussions are actually full-blown one-on-one or group interviews.

There are, however, some definite pros and cons to doing phone interviews. Here are some tips that will help you to take advantage of the pros and limit the damage the cons can do to your candidacy for the job:

Since you cannot be seen through the phone, take advantage of your anonymity by setting yourself up for success:

Remember that 90% of all communication is body language. Without the input that body language provides, phone interviews can be tough to manage. Make sure you go out of your way to communicate effectively through the telephone line:

With a little ingenuity and preparation, your phone interview performance can be as strong as your face-to-face interviewing skills. Good luck!

Read more at Suite101: Ace That Phone Interview: 18 Ways to Improve Your Telephone Performance


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