Success Matrix

for Self-Assessment of a Job Search Plan Levels

0 – Less Than


1 – Meets Requirements

2 – Exceeds


3 – Greatly Exceeds Requirements


Develop a detailed description of future position

No written detailed description of future position -company and job description

Started completing a Personal Success Profile™ (PSP). Not complete. Mentally considered some of the elements of the PSP.

Significant portion of PSP completed. Need to define "wants", "don’t wants" and "will compromise." Lacking a precise job description.

Completed the PSP. All the issues thoroughly thought-out and discussed. Focused on ideal role. Future job description written and clear.

Personal Branding Strategy

Haven’t even thought about a personal brand. No effort on-line or off-line to establish a personal brand.

Generic 30 second elevator speech prepared. No personal branding strategy and plan to communicate it on-line and off-line.

Developed a written brand statement using PSP. Started testing it for results. Good differentiation. Started developing a written personal branding strategy.

Branding statement well established, tested, and links directly to PSP. Detailed written plan of action to communicate personal brand on-line and off-line.

Off- line networking plan of action

Minimal contacts. Mostly past co-workers, family and friends who are unable to give job leads.

Partial networking plan of action. Identified a few potential networking groups. List of ideal contacts in the primary recommended categories.

Actively involved in 1 or 2 networking groups. No leadership. Contacts are less than 50. Strong written networking plan to generate job leads and referrals.

Multiple groups across a variety of categories with leadership roles. Strong relationships with 50+ Level 3 and 4 contacts. Network is generating an abundance of leads/referrals.

On-Line Networking Plan of Action Developed

Haven’t started utilizing social networks or newbie. Small number of contacts in Linkedin and poor profile.

Good profile on Linkedin. 5-6 recommendations. Less than 100 contacts. Starting to join on-line groups. No active participation in discussions.

Active in a few groups. 7-12 recommendations on your LinkedIn profile. Over 100 contacts in LinkedIn. Leveraging multiple social networks. Started blogging. Getting a few job leads.

Over 400 contacts. Very active in 5 or more groups. Profile is outstanding. 15 or more recommendations. Effective use of social media and networking across the Internet. Lots of job leads and referrals.

Develop success-based resume

Have developed a generic one size fits all resume. Mostly skills and experience-based.

Resume is one size fits all but success-based. All accomplishments include specific results. Resume and accomplishments need to be customized for job.

Moved beyond traditional resumes to develop Personal Success Profile (PSP) and Compelling Marketing Brochures (CMB) customized to each job.

Multiple CMBs targeted for specific positions with precise accomplishments. CMBs/Resumes combined with custom cover letter are excellent marketing documents.

Phone interviewing preparation

Phone interview not given much thought. Usually "seat-of-the-pants" approach. Very few call-backs.

Good prep for phone interview. Downloaded FREE Chapter on DRESSUP for phone interview in "This is NOT the Position I Accepted"

Has practiced DRESSUP phone interview strategy and has found it to be successful during phone interviews. Starting to get call-backs after phone interview.

Well prepared for phone interview. Great use of DRESSUP phone interview strategy. Almost every phone interview results in a call-back for a face-to-face interview.

Face to face interview preparation

Have had some interviews. Never asked back. Not well prepared.

Thought about how to answer basic questions. Not written out answers. Some practice, but not as smooth as should be.

Written out answers to all the questions using SWEAR. Feel ready for any questions. Practiced answers multiple times.

Written answers with SWEAR. Practiced and even videotaped sessions. Well prepared. Have excellent list of questions to ask hiring managers.

Final preparation prior to accepting

No clear focus on compensation, benefits, culture, ideal company. Basically just "kicking the tires".

Company is in control of closing and offer process after interviews and is dictating terms and conditions. Ill-prepared to handle negotiations.

Some preparation and rehearsal for negotiations on expectations, compensation, benefits, rewards, recognition, cultural issues, and opportunities.

In-depth research, practice, and preparation for discussion on all final offer issues. Without being obnoxious, you’re driving the entire end-game negotiation and discussion process.



Ineffective Job Search Plan. At the executive level you can expect 18-24 months.

You’ve identified best practices for job search. Maybe you’ve read our book or other resources. Expect 12-18 months.

You have a solid written job search plan. You’re implementing many of the best practices we describe. Expect 6-12 months.


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